This 3 day training event provided a practical introduction to monitoring and evaluation, with a particular focus on language and education programmes. As an introduction, it was particularly aimed at those with little or no experience and outlined some basic tools and techniques that could then be further tested in participants own contexts.
Wednesday 25th March:
08:45-09:00 - Sign in and introductions.
09:00-09:30 - Mapping out the training. Where are we going?
09:30-10:30 - Why do M&E? What is it for?
10:30-11:00 - Break
11:00-12:30 - How does Monitoring and Evaluation fit with my program?
12:30-14:00 - Lunch
14:00-15:30 - Principles of good M&E frameworks.
15:30-16:00 - Break
16:00-17:30 - Working with complexity.
17:30-17:45 - Daily debrief
20:00-21:30 - meet the LEAD Asia team (TBC)
Thursday 26th March:
09:00-10:30 - Introduction to tools and quantitative indicators.
10:30-11:00 - Break
11:00-12:30 - Outcome mapping.
12:30-14:00 - Lunch
14:00-15:30 - Using participatory methods in M&E.
15:30-16:00 - Break
16:00-17:30 - Most significant change.
17:30-17:45 - Daily debrief
Friday 27th March:
09:00-10:30 - Introduction to evaluation.
10:30-11:00 - Break
11:00-12:30 - Practical considerations - designing an M&E system.
12:30-14:00 - Lunch
14:00-15:00 - Review your own current M&E system.
15:00-15:45 - Next steps, key resources.
15:45-16:15 - Closing tea