Our next LEAD CoP event will explore how activities that relate to language, education and development (LEAD) can potentially be funded.
We will look at both institutional funding and private funding options, highlighting some of the key issues around funding for LEAD activities and projects. Time will also be provided to allow participants to share their own experiences in this area. This event should be an excellent opportunity to learn more about funding, whether you have lots of experience or are just starting out in this area.
As with recent LEAD CoP events, lunch and snacks will be provided but all other costs are the responsibility of each participant. To register for this event now please click here.
For a full list of FAQs about LEAD events please click here.
Draft Event Schedule
Please note that this event will officially start at 20:00 on Tuesday 25th March. Registration will be open from 19:30 outside the event room.
Tuesday 25th March:
19:30-20:00 - Arrival and registration.
20:00-21:30 - Sharing our experiences around funding.
Wednesday 26th March:
09:00-09:30 - Setting out the way ahead.
09:30-12:30 - Where do you start? A World Cafe session on the different sources of funding.
12:30-14:00 - Lunch
14:00-17:30 - Funders priority areas. Consultations around a selection of funders priority areas.
17:30-17:45 - Closing reflections
Thursday 27th March:
09:00-10:30 - Assessing your situation. Carrying out a situational analysis and understanding available data.
11:00-12:30 - Creative visioning. Imagining an alternative vision of the future.
12:30-14:00 - Lunch
14:00-15:30 - How might change happen? Who are the actors involved and how can you influence them?
16:00-17:30 - Defining strategies. What are the different elements of a project design?
17:30-17:45 - Closing reflections
Friday 28th March:
09:00-10:30 - Proposal formats and key content.
11:00-12:30 - Learning from each other.
12:30-14:00 - Lunch
14:00-16:00 - Organisational readiness. What are your next steps?
16:00-17:00 - Closing tea.